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How To Get Frontline Asset Strategies Off Your Credit Report

How To Get Frontline Asset Strategies Off Your Credit Report

Frontline Asset Strategies is a debt collector that you may hear from when you start to miss payments.

They are a third-party debt collector that specializes in recovering unpaid bills from consumers like you or me.

Not only are debt collectors annoying, but they can have detrimental effects on your credit score as well.

The best way to stop Frontline Asset Strategies’ calls and repair your credit is to remove their collections account from your credit report.

About Frontline Asset Strategies

Founded in 2008, Frontline Asset Strategies is a small debt collection company that is headquartered in Minnesota.

They currently have two offices in St. Paul and Minneapolis and have a staff of under 10 employees.

They assist a number of companies with asset recovery services.

They collect on behalf of:

  • banks
  • auto lenders
  • education lenders
  • credit card companies
  • utility providers

…and more. They list their annual revenue at about $350,000.

It is fairly common for debt collectors to have complaints filed against them with oversight bureaus.

Frontline Asset Strategies is no exception and has had many complaints filed against them in their 13 years of business.

They currently has 34 complaints filed with Better Business Bureau (BBB) and 16 complaints filed with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).

They have also been named as a defendant in seven civil litigation cases.

Consumers claim that Frontline Asset Strategies violated their FDCPA and FCRA rights in their effort to collect payments.

If you believe that your consumer rights have been violated, you should contemplate filing a complaint against them as well.

If you are overwhelmed by dealing with negative entries on your credit report,
we suggest you ask a professional credit repair company for help.

Ask Lex Law for Help

How To Remove Frontline Asset Strategies From Your Credit Report

Here are the four steps to take to remove the collection account from your credit report.

Communicate Strictly through Writing

One of the most irritating side effects of being pursued by a debt collector is the constant phone calls.

It can sometimes feel like your entire voicemail box is Frontline Asset Strategies associates hounding you for money.

Under federal consumer protection legislation like the FDCPA, you have the right to ask that them to communicate with you strictly in writing.

You should take advantage of this as soon as possible to get the incessant phone calls under control.

Debt collectors like communicating over the phone because it is more beneficial to them than you.

They can call dozens of times a day and be slightly more aggressive in their tactics than they can through writing.

By demanding that they contact you through writing, specifically U.S. Mail, you can begin to document all of your interactions with them.

If they step over the lines laid out by consumer protection law, you will have proof.

Written communication will also come in handy when it comes time to negotiate a settlement with Frontline Asset Strategies.

To request written communication from a debt collector, tell them that you are formally requesting that they contact you only through U.S. Mail.

If they give you any pushback, tell them that they are in violation of the FDCPA and hang up.

Mailing Address:

Frontline Asset Strategies
2700 Snelling Ave. N.
STE. 250
Roseville, MN 55113

Send a Section 609 Letter

Once you get Frontline Asset Strategies to start communicating in writing, it’s time to send them a letter of your own. You will need to send them a Section 609 letter.

Also known as a debt validation letter, Section 609 letters are a formal request from a consumer for a debt collector to provide proof of an active collections account.

In other words, you are putting the burden of proof on them to verify that you owe the debt they’re collecting.

Debt validation prevents you from making payments on a debt that is being reported inaccurately.

You can verify that they aren’t trying to collect payments from you based on out-of-date or outright false information.

You should not hesitate to send Frontline Asset Strategies a Section 609 letter. They are only required to recognize your request for debt validation within the first 30 days of contact with you.

If you wait beyond that, they are not legally obligated to send you validation.

Start with a Section 609 letter template and fill it out using your account information.

Send it to Frontline Asset Strategies and ask the letter carrier to provide a return receipt when the letter is delivered.

They must provide you with debt validation within 30 days of receiving your letter.

This will come in the form of various documents that list the details of your account.

Compare the documents that Frontline Asset Strategies sends you with your own information about your debt.

If you notice any conspicuous errors, you should file a dispute with the credit bureaus to remove the account.

Make a Pay-for-Delete Agreement

Debt validation is a great way to remove a debt collector’s account through a technicality.

If Frontline Asset Strategies can validate your debt, however, you are wholly responsible for repaying it.

If you have to repay a debt to a collector, the best course of action is to make a pay-for-delete agreement.

This type of settlement is a good option for both parties. It removes the damaging account from your credit report, and it provides payment to them on the debt.

You may find that, despite this, Frontline Asset Strategies is hesitant to offer a deletion.

Removing collection accounts from credit reports is frowned upon in the industry. You may be able to convince them to make an exception if you are able to negotiate effectively.

Begin by asking them to remove the account for 30% of the total balance.

Continue to negotiate with the debt collector until you reach an amount at which they’re comfortable deleting their collection entry.

Before you make a payment to Frontline Asset Strategies, get the full agreement in writing. If possible, have them send it to you on company letterhead to show that it’s official.

Once you receive this document, make your first payment on the debt. You should notice that Frontline Asset Strategies’ name disappears from your credit report about 30 days after the payment is processed.

If it doesn’t, send them a notice that they are not abiding by the terms laid out.

Hire a Credit Repair Company

As you can see, the process of dealing with Frontline Asset Strategies can be rather complicated.

That is why many people choose to hire a credit repair company to deal with them on their behalf.

Credit repair specialists help consumers by identifying damaging accounts on their credit report and working with the powers that be to remove them.

Whether you’re dealing with a debt collector or a bankruptcy, credit repair specialists can help you.

It is advised that you do some research on the companies out there before you hire a credit repair professional. After all, you want to make sure that whoever it is will do a good job.

Luckily, we compiled a list of the top credit repair companies to help make your search easy. Make sure that the firm you choose is the best choice for your unique credit situation.

Dealing with Frontline Asset Strategies

Whether you handle Frontline Asset Strategies on your own or call on a professional, don’t wait another day to get started.

Dealing with them now will save you time and money when it comes time to shop for interest rates.

The power to improve your credit begins with you. If you’re looking for more information on how to boost your score, check out some of our top articles on how to better your credit.