Following Ivonne Ortiz’s five year prison sentence, OneCoin held a OneLife DealShaker event in Ecuador.
Speaking at the event was Raul Pazos Medina, who spent thirty minutes shouting at investors in attendance.
The recent Ecuadorian DealShaker was held last weekend on February 21st.
Footage of the event shows an angry Medina ranting and raving about Ortiz’s incarceration.
I’ve done my best to condense thirty minutes of footage below. I’m relying on auto-translate which is a bit janky.
If anyone is fluent in Spanish and wishes to make any improvements, let me know if the comments below.
[3:42] I have had a tremendously strong stress level.
Thank you for 33 years for at least a little bit of gratitude and consideration for leadership.
I know this is private and each of you has responsibilities but tomorrow do not call me with demands and also speak because I am in the same situation.
Enough already, enough!
[4:38] What happened to a girl here that is the news. We take advantage of that (and) there are people who want to go and sue their own leaders.
That is called being infamous, a woman who what to understand from my person – we are behind the case.
A person, a mother of two children … sued by her family who was from her downline.
Raven crowds they take you both out.
They hurt the woman and the whole community. It hurts all of us.
They woman was totally defenseless, they did not defend her as it should be.
And that’s why … nothing is spoke of as an investment. These are consequences for not doing anything.
To me this woman is innocent and as a company to be able to give her the defense. This woman is already the mark and you know it.
The first thing should be to send her that at this moment the company has love for her.
God, I would like you to be in the place of that woman for a moment.
Let’s learn to be human beings. How can you be happy that someone wants to sentence you to 5 years in jail?
This woman won’t be alone. The company is supporting us, and our captain is a great human being who is at the forefront of this.
Medina (right) goes on to discourage OneCoin investors in Ecuador from complaining, citing the OneLife distributor agreements they signed.
When you entered OneLife you signed a digital terms and conditions contract.
What is says in the terms and conditions is we enter as freelance sales partners or in English, Independent Marketing Associates.
What that means is we do not have any dependence on the company and that our income is generated based on commercial distribution and producitivty.
The regulations say is is prohibited to talk to others about investment.
Needless to say OneCoin’s terms and conditions aren’t legally binding, owing to the company being fraudulent.
And I’m not aware of a single time “don’t talk about investment” pseudo-compliance has actually worked.
At one point Medina references a “national court of justice” case in Romania.
I’m not sure what exactly Medina is referencing here. I’m aware OneCoin holds crappy DealShaker events in Romania from time to time, but as far as I know Romanian regulators haven’t moved against OneCoin.
Tax authorities were looking to recover €400,000 in unpaid taxes by Romanian OneCoin affiliates, but we haven’t heard anything further since March 2019.
According to Medina there was some trial two years ago and OneCoin prevailed.
Medina then brings up Germany and claims to have “won”. This is another odd claim to make, seeing as OneCoin has been banned in Germany since 2017.
Two German OneCoin scammers were acquitted in June 2020. Their defense was they relied on a dishonest report from the law firm SBS Legal (then Schulenberg and Schenk).
Three additional German OneCoin scammers were indicted in November 2020. That case is still playing out.
The elephant in the room at this point being actual criminal proceedings in the US, which are most definitely not going OneCoin’s way.
Medina doesn’t bring up the US cases in his rant.
I’m not sure whether Ivonne Ortiz was under or above Medina in the OneCoin downline.
Given control of OneCoin Ecuador now appears to have fallen onto him, you can appreciate why he’d be jumpy.
Ortiz was found guilty on charges related to marketing income potential through an unauthorized alternative currency.
Here we have Raul Pazos Medina picking up where Ortiz left off.
Whether Ecuadorian authorities decide to tackle open promotion of a Ponzi scheme remains to be seen.
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